Pretty Much Perfect by Sally Johnson

About “Pretty Much Perfect”

Camille Weston, a recently returned missionary, anticipates returning to college for her degree and perhaps to meet a nice guy. A sensible young woman with her future mapped out, Camille would never do something dangerous—like pick up a stranger on the side of the road. And yet, inexplicably, she does just that. This is one split-second decision that changes everything.

Determined to lend assistance, Camille gets more than she bargains for when she is roped into helping Liam, a handsome British man, with more than just a ride. As they are thrown together over the coming days and their mutual attraction grows, they realize they just . . . click. That is, until she makes a shocking discovery: the mysterious stranger is William Liam Jones, lead singer of the popular band Gear. Camille has never been one to swoon over a celebrity, and she knows her and Liam’s lifestyles could never be compatible. But how can she convince her heart to listen to logic?

About the Author

Sally Johnson grew up in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. She went to college at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She went on to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in English. While at college, she met and married her husband, Steve, and then relocated to Las Vegas. They have lived in Las Vegas ever since and love it. They have four children and a dog.

She has wanted to write books since she was twelve years old and being a published author is a dream come true.

My Review

Loved, loved, loved this novel.  I don’t know why, but it reminded me of the movie “Forever My Girl” which is an amazing movie!  I think the only similarities was a guitar, being famous and misunderstandings.

This is a sweet story about Camille, a good Mormon girl, and rockstar Liam.  I was caught up in the drama of this story from page 1.  Sally Johnson did a great job pulling you into the characters of Liam and Camille as they stumble their way into a friendship that leads to a forbidden relationship.  Camille struggles with what her heart and her mind are telling her as she clings to her faith while trying to figure out how Liam might fit into her life’s plan. When it comes to love, nothing ever seems to be black and white.

This was a great story and would be perfect for teens, young adults and adults alike.  Can’t wait to catch up on other novels by this same author.

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