Australia boasts some of the world's best beaches, night life entertainment and friendliest people. Drivers from around the globe flock to the Northeast coast to experience The Great Barrier Reef - extending for approximately 1,245 miles.
Did you know that our neighbor to the south has a land area about equal to the contiguous United States, but is the smallest, least-populated continent?
Interestingly, voting is enforced by law in federal and state elections in Australia. And did you know that Maria Smith of New South Wales (one of their six states) was the original cultivator of Granny Smith apples in the late 1800's?
Australian lingo is called Strine - often spoke by simply shortening a long word by adding a vowel on the end. Practice your Strine!
– 'Crissie' (Christmas) – 'Milk Bar' (small store)
– 'Dog and Bone' (telephone) – 'Bonza' (great)
– 'Postie' (mailman) - 'Barbie' (barbecue)
– 'Brolly' (umbrella) – 'Uni' (university)
– 'Good on ya' (good for you) - 'Mozzie' (mosquito)
July 2008 Newsletter, Page 3