James A. Brewer, a hospital worker by trade, nurtureda lifelong passion for inspiration writing. His routine for more than 41 years, was to rise at 4:30 a.m. fourdays a week and write 200 one liners. Brewer started this routine when he was 16 years old and over the years his work has been published in numerous small town newspapers and national publications. Here's some motivational wisdom from this discipline and optimistic writer:
Remember every job is self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.
Every moment is the right one to be kind
A smile increases your face value
"Footprints in the sand of time" were not made by people standing still
(March 2009 Newsletter, page 2)
What a great inpiration to all of someone who would stick to a task and accomplish much in his life. That is a great example for us to keep going even when times are not as easy. Loretta