God Bless America!

Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have faithfully served our country. "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA!" That song really sums up what I feel today and everyday! Love to all my family members who have served, father, grandfather, uncles, great uncle, brother and sister-in-law. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Here's a collage of my family members along with an image of an eagle that I took this week. The eagle represents freedom. Living as he does on the tops of lofty mountains, amid the solitary grandeur of Nature, he has unlimited freedom… God Bless America!

Veteran_s Day