My Brother Hyrum

I love this story for so many reasons.  This video reminds me of a sweet friendship that can exist between siblings and to neighbors alike as we are quick to love and slow to judge.  I can feel a sweet spirit in this short movie about how we should love one another especially those within our own home.  It seems that those we should love most, often get the least amount of patience and love from us.  May we strive to lift one another and instead of criticizing show an increase amount of love for those close to us.  It is a special blessing to be a part of a family and to learn to grow and love one another.

I have met and loved many children that I have been blessed to know in my life with Autism.  They seem to have something many of us lack, unconditional love being one of them.  I met a sweet boy a few years ago that I could feel a great love for before I knew much about him.  He was a brilliant child that had a unique gift for numbers and recalling information rapidly.  It seems these children are blessed in ways that are amazing and inspiring.  It is important to teach others that it is okay to be different and that we are all children of a Father in Heaven that loves us individually and understands our unique challenges and abilities.  

If we all followed the counsel of Thomas S. Monson when he said at the end of this video, "True love can alter human lives and change human nature… I plead with you to have the courage to refrain from judging and criticizing those around you, as well as the courage to make certain everyone is included and feels loved and valued…" how different the world would be if each of us could follow his wise and inspired counsel.  Hope, peace and love would prevail.  I encourage you to show brotherly kindness and love to those in your sphere of influence, I know that your life will be richly blessed!